A Good Update On Tekken: Blood Vengance, The New CG Tekken Film
Last week was such a crazy week for me with E3 going on and all that I totally missed out on one cool announcement. But looking at things I don’t think I was the only one who missed out on this news...
View ArticlePayday: The Heist - Hands-On [E3 2011]
Deep inside of us I think there’s a side of us that simply wants to let loose in every possible way. I wouldn’t say that we have a medieval Viking inside us that wants to go on a quest filled with...
View ArticleHouse of the Dead: Overkill Extended Cut - Hands-On [E3 2011]
Zombies are a bit played out at this point since we’ve seen them be used to death in films, video games and most recently TV shows. I’m not saying that everything that features a zombie is a cheap or...
View ArticleRatchet & Clank: All 4 One - Hands-On [E3 2011]
At this point it’s almost standard practice to see a new Ratchet & Clank game pop up, even if we may not immediately want one. The fan reaction to the PS3 generation of R&C games has been a...
View ArticleInversion - Single-Player Hands-On [E3 2011]
This generation has spawned an entire genre of 3rd person action games that try to be overly gritty and happen to feature a cover mechanic.
View ArticleBodycount - Hands-On [E3 2011]
Going into E3 I had a list of games that I wanted to check out since I’ve been following them for an extended period of time. I was able to hit up quite a few of the games I had on my list (Binary...
View ArticleBinary Domain - Hands-On [E3 2011]
There’s a common belief amongst Western gamers that for some inexplicable reason Japanese developers just can’t create a good 3rd person shooting experience. Outside of Resident Evil 4 and Vanquish...
View ArticleFist-Bump or Bitch-Slap: Ian Fisher or Valve
This is the love/hate relationship between the video game industry and myself. Every week I will pick someone who gets my Fist-bump for doing a good deed, someone who gets my undesirable Bitch-Slap for...
View ArticlePrey 2 - Preview [E3 2011]
Scheduling my appointments for E3 is always a bit troublesome in a way since I need to decide which games I really want to see in action and which ones I’m fine with just playing on the showfloor.
View ArticleX-Men: Destiny - Preview [E3 2011]
Amidst my many adventures during E3 (who am I kidding, I just walked around playing stuff and talked to people for three days), I saw a few games I totally didn’t expect to be at the show or made...
View ArticleAmy - Preview [E3 2011]
The state of the survival horror/suspense genre in video games today is nearly non-existent. Games like Alone in the Dark, Resident Evil and Silent Hill provided some truly thrilling moments in which...
View ArticleSuper Stardust Delta Blasts Onto The PlayStation Vita [Video]
The software line-up for the PlayStation Vita may only have a handful of 1st party releases, but you really can’t complain at such a thing when one of those games is Super Stardust Delta. The...
View ArticleAnarchy Reigns - Hands-On [E3 2011]
Japanese developers are mostly known for creating engaging worlds that are often crazy or simply have gameplay that is beyond ridiculous. There are obviously some developers who tend to keep their...
View ArticleAce Combat: Assault Horizon Video Is Long But Cool
The Ace Combat series has gotten a major makeover for its latest installment, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. Just like other Japanese developers, the Ace team at Namco Bandai is revamping the AC...
View ArticlePixelJunk SideScroller Hands-On [E3 2011]
The PixelJunk series from Q-Games holds a place close to my heart since I love simple arcade style games.
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